Act for the healthe

We believe that taking charge of your health can do you good.
We are engaged. We are motivated. We are Medisur.

Already more than 300 organizations trust us to their health

our interconnected themes

Health prevention à la carte

Build your policy CSR in line with the challenges of your organization or each employee is free to choose from a wide choice of training health, QVT, and safety that best meet their individual needs.

The only health prevention approach
who adapts
to the teams to companies to you

An efficient organization and good health comes first and foremost through that of the employees who make it up.

Find out how to take care of your teams.

All united to strengthen access to health prevention of the population of the territories.

Find out how Medisur offers you turnkey healthcare projects.

Find all the health, QVT and safety modules to take care of your employees

Our WINNING formula

Assets by Medisur

A multi-thematic catalog

Hand-picked health themes to simplify access to health care for as many people as possible. Interconnected modules where everyone can meet.

Certified trainers and coaches

Carefully selected, our expert speakers bring their know-how and good humor to offer you the best possible support.

Personalized support

You are unique ! Each of our clients deserves our full attention and benefits from a tailor-made approach according to their challenges in health, safety and QVT prevention.

Intervention throughout France

We have no limits when it comes to health prevention. We operate in the 4 corners of the country and even in the DOM-TOM.

our biological tests

Medisur is also a french laboratory

Lab' Medisur develops several ranges of in vitro diagnostic medical devices or DMDIV in the form of TDR and TROD. They are distributed to health professionals such as pharmacies, laboratories and
hospital establishments.

We are ISO 13485 certified by AFNOR.

These self-diagnostic biological tests cover prevention, psychotropic drugs, fertility and Covid-19.

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