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Multi-drug saliva test

The Multi Drug test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the detection of 4 types of drugs in saliva.

  • cannabis at a threshold of 15 ng/mL or 50 ng/mL (Δ-THC)
  • cocaine at a threshold of 20 ng/mL
  • amphetamines at a threshold of 50 ng/mL
  • opiates at a threshold of 40 ng/mL
Features :
  • Result from 2 minutes
  • Collector with saliva indicator
  • THC15 detection threshold compliant with law enforcement (police and gendarmerie)
  • Reliability at 96%
  • Complies with the Council of State (CE n°394178 of 05/12/16)

Download the instructions

For the companies, we offer two versions of this screening test.

The first test has a threshold of 15 ng/mL for the Δ-THC for a zero tolerance policy. To download the instructions, click on the following link: 

Biotest THC 15/ COC 20/ AMP 50/ OPI 40 Multi-Drug Saliva Test Notice (485 downloads )

The second test has a threshold of 50 ng/mL for the Δ-THC.  To download the instructions, click on the following link: 

Biotest THC 50/ COC 20/ AMP 50/ OPI 40 Multi-Drug Saliva Test Notice (214 downloads )

Quick procedure