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How to set up a Corporate Health Prevention Plan in 5 steps

Employee health is a major issue for companies concerned with the productivity and well-being of their staff. Implementing a corporate health prevention plan is not only an ethical responsibility, but it is also governed by laws aimed at guaranteeing optimal working conditions. In this article, we will explore how to develop such a plan based on existing laws, while highlighting the benefits for both employers and employees.

Update on the legal context surrounding the Health Prevention Plan

In France, legislation governing occupational health is mainly based on the Labor Code. Article L4121-1 clearly states the obligation for the employer to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of its employees. This applies to all sectors of activity and requires a proactive approach to the prevention of professional risks.

Step 1: announce the prevention approach

Beyond legal obligations, it seems essential to us that the project team is convinced of the foundations of this approach, in order to ensure its success. The first challenge will thus be to involve the actors, put into debate the representations of each, their issues and identify the warning signals. 


During this first stage, we will start from an inventory of the existing situation, to then define the modalities of the prevention approach adapted to the challenges of the company. The approach will be participatory and multidisciplinary. 

Step 2: assess the risks

In accordance with article L4121-3 of the Labor Code, the employer must identify and evaluate the risks to which employees are exposed. This assessment forms the basis of the prevention plan. This is how you will write your DUERP: the unique professional risk assessment document. The objective here is to identify and analyze risks according to work units and exposure conditions.

Step 3: develop a prevention action program

Once the professional risks have been identified and listed, a list of preventive actions then emerges, which depend on each risk: 

  • can the risk be eliminated? Action: delete it
  • can the risk be reduced? Action: put in place collective protection measures
  • can the risk be isolated? Action: take personal protective measures
  • can the individual be protected? Action: give detailed instructions to employees (information or even training)

These actions will result in the identification of the specific health needs of employees. This will allow you to set up, for example: 

  • interventions to prevent preventable diseases, 
  • workshops awareness about healthy living or nutrition, 
  • physical activity programs
  • regular medical consultations
  • etc 

The employer can also rely on internal surveys, individual interviews and health data to target appropriate interventions.

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Step 4: integrate legal provisions

The health prevention plan must be in full compliance with the laws in force. This involves the integration of relevant legal provisions, such as those relating to occupational medicine (articles L4622-1 et seq.) and compulsory medical examinations. Employers must also comply with requirements regarding the prevention of psychosocial risks, in accordance with the national interprofessional agreement (ANI) of July 2, 2008.

Step 5: communicate and raise awareness

Communication of the prevention project is crucial to ensure the success of the health prevention plan. Employers must inform employees of the initiatives put in place, the benefits for their health, and encourage them to actively participate. Regular awareness-raising through campaigns, seminars and information materials helps to create a culture of prevention within the company. 

It would be a shame to have done all this work upstream and not have it resonate throughout the company! It is also for this reason that we insist on the first stage of conviction, which in our opinion constitutes the basis of the success of the project. 

Step 6: evaluate and follow the process

Implementing a health prevention plan does not stop at its initial design. In accordance with article L4121-2, the employer has the obligation to update and adjust the plan according to developments, new technologies, and changes in the organization of work. Ongoing evaluation helps ensure the plan is effective and ensures the long-term safety and well-being of employees.


We advise you to set up monitoring of relevant indicators such as: 

  • the number of work stoppages and occupational illnesses
  • the absenteeism rate
  • complaints from existing employees
  • the points communicated by the CSE


The objective is to be able to reassess professional risks regularly as well as employee exposure. This way, you will be able to update the action plan according to the evolution of your business, and to update your DUERP. 

The creation of a company health prevention plan, in compliance with current laws, is a crucial step to promote a healthy and productive work environment. The benefits go beyond simple legal compliance, helping to increase employee satisfaction, reduce absenteeism and improve overall business performance. By investing in the health of its employees, a company also invests in its own sustainability and reputation.