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Digital Detox Workshop

Collectively question the use of screens, understand the impact of hyperconnection on health and find disconnection practices for a sustainable balance between professional and personal life.

Participatory workshop Digital detox in company

In a professional environment where digital technologies are omnipresent, the hyperconnection of employees has become a worrying reality. In France, 45 % of employees have noticed an increase in the volume of their emails, contributing to information overload and increased mental fatigue (HR culture). This overabundance of information blurs the boundaries between professional and personal life, impacting the overall health and productivity of teams.

To meet this challenge, Medisur offers theParticipatory Digital Detox Workshop, to raise awareness among your employees of the risks associated with hyperconnection and to provide them with practical tools to adopt a more balanced use of digital technologies.

Detailed content of the workshop on digital disconnection:

The workshop Digital detox is above all a moment of discussion to understand and find alternatives to daily habits. It is composed of several stages:

  • Understanding the causes of hyperconnection: definitions and findings
  • Discover the impact of screen addiction on our health 
  • Learn what the law says about hyperconnection at work 
  • Finding substitutes for the use of new technologies thanks to digital detox

When to take action on digital overload at work?

World Cell Phone Free Day

Mental Health Information Week
World Sleep Day
Happiness Day

World Health Day
World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Day of living better together

Quality of Life at Work Week

Occupational Safety and Health Week

Practical information

Format and Duration

In person (intra)
45 minutes
Group of 15 to 25 people


For all




The solutions of Medisur for better time management

Don't stop there, complete your health and well-being prevention action, with your teams, with a conference or webinar on the Digital detox at work. 

Comprendre l’impact de l’hyperconnexion sur la santé et adopter des pratiques efficaces pour se déconnecter.

Digital detox

Understanding the impact of hyperconnection on health and adopt effective practices to disconnect

Se questionner collectivement en atelier sur l’importance du sommeil pour la santé en adoptant des habitudes de vie saines pour réveiller sa productivité.

Awaken your productivity

Collectively questioning ourselves about the importance of sleep to awaken his productivity

Préserver la santé des salariés qui travaillent en horaires décalés
Staggered hours and productivity
participatory workshop

Identify challenges related to atypical hours and optimize work performance

atelier participatif pour apprendre à améliorer les interactions professionnelles entre les salariés

Cultivate serenity at work

Strengthening professional relationships through positive communication, active listening and mindfulness (mindfulness).

catalogue de services et d'actions santé globale, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Customer testimonials
Their teams we love you
logo happydemics
Happydemics — “A very accessible, available and caring. The format is very convenient to get informed, then discuss in small groups and ask questions.”
Practical workshop Pink October
logo pernod ricard france_couleur
Pernod Ricard France — “Returns very positive. This sparked a strong interest employees. Many have come looking for health boxes after the conference”
Conference My skin and the sun
logo atomic digital design
Atomic Digital Design — “Workshop very useful since the women themselves asked to be palpated and guided in the self-examination[...]”
Pink October Participatory Workshop
logo groupe legendre
Legendre Group - "Very satisfied ! A speaker professional who knew how to answer all the questions of the public concerning the male pathologies [...]”
Movember Participatory Workshop
logo santé provence travail
Provence Health Work — “Device absolutely tremendous it reinforces the sensation on palpation.[...] I encourage doctors to use it, it will facilitate their examination. And women to practice self-examination with."
Self-examination pad
logo experf
Expert - "It is playful [...] We can touch, we can understand. Much more interesting than mere words. Companies should offer prevention campaigns and this device to their collaborators.”
Pink October conference and boxes
Contact our experts

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