Overall health
Discover the Medisur method to address the overall health of your employees and improve their welfare. Our screening systems, our training and our participatory workshops are built around health topics that are widespread among women and men in France. Skin cancer, Diabetes And cardiovascular illnesses to name a few, are common illnesses which nevertheless have a good chance of being avoided thanks to a good lifestyle, provided by health prevention.
The conferences and webinars in overall health
Challenge Dry January webinar conference
Discover the benefits of Dry January, understand the impact of alcohol on health and adopt healthy habits
Lifestyle and diabetes webinar conference
Adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes and adopt good habits on a daily basis
Preventing heart health webinar conference
Understand the cardiovascular illnesses to adopt preventive actions
My skin and the sun webinar conference
Understanding the risks associated with sun exposure (UV rays) and adopt the right preventive measures
The workshops in overall health
Become aware of your alcohol consumption and adopt more responsible consumption habits
Focus on my blood sugar SCREENING WORKSHOP
Taking workshop blood sugar by a healthcare professional in partnership with Roche Diabetes France
Discomfort and life-saving reflexes Participatory WORKSHOP
Raising collective awareness of the discomforts, understanding the reflexes to adopt in case of emergency
Zoom in on my skin SCREENING WORKSHOP
Benefit from a preventive screening skin lesions through an examination carried out by a healthcare professional
The boxes overall health
Diabetes & me health box HEALTH BOX diabetes
Prevent the type 2 diabetes with the Diabetes Health Box and test your cholesterol level
My heart & me health box HEART HEALTH BOX
Health box containing a cholesterol self-test and an interactive e-guide
My skin & me health box SOLAR HEALTH BOX
Prevent the effects of UV rays with the Solar Health Box and test your vitamin D level
Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions.
A unique experience
The method Medisur
A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.