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Workshop Discomforts and gestures that save

Raise awareness of life-saving reflexes and the PPAS method: Gain confidence, Protect, Alert and Rescue, and apply this method to the risk of illness.

Workshop Discomforts and actions that save in company

In 2022, illnesses accounted for nearly 50% of fatal workplace accidents in France (source). Identifying the warning signs and knowing the life-saving actions are key elements in preventing these incidents and ensuring the safety of employees. Raising awareness among your teams about these essential actions helps reduce the risk of workplace accidents and improve well-being within the company.

The workshop Discomfort and Life-Saving Gestures Medisur provides employees with the tools they need to react effectively in the event of a workplace emergency, following the PPAS method, thus ensuring optimal management of emergency situations.

Workshop outline:

  • Identify the essential benchmarks in your business: Know the internal protocols, contact persons and first aid equipment available to react quickly.
  • Apply the PPAS method (Gain confidence, Protect, Alert, Rescue): Understand the importance of each step for effective intervention in the event of discomfort.
  • Spot the signs of discomfort: Identify early symptoms
  • Card Game – Reacting in an Emergency: Fun situation to learn to identify the right reflexes when faced with different emergencies (bleeding, choking, unconsciousness, respiratory arrest).
  • Know the basics of life-saving actions: Understand the usefulness and principles of applying the tourniquet, the lateral safety position (PLS), abdominal compressions (Heimlich maneuver) and cardiac massage.
Practical information

Format and Duration

In person
30 minutes
Number of participants to be defined in advance


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The solutions of Medisur on first aid at work

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catalogue de services et d'actions santé globale, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Customer testimonials
Their teams we love you
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Happydemics — “A very accessible, available and caring. The format is very convenient to get informed, then discuss in small groups and ask questions.”
Practical workshop Pink October
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Pernod Ricard France — “Returns very positive. This sparked a strong interest employees. Many have come looking for health boxes after the conference”
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Atomic Digital Design — “Workshop very useful since the women themselves asked to be palpated and guided in the self-examination[...]”
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Legendre Group - "Very satisfied ! A speaker professional who knew how to answer all the questions of the public concerning the male pathologies [...]”
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Provence Health Work — “Device absolutely tremendous it reinforces the sensation on palpation.[...] I encourage doctors to use it, it will facilitate their examination. And women to practice self-examination with."
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Expert - "It is playful [...] We can touch, we can understand. Much more interesting than mere words. Companies should offer prevention campaigns and this device to their collaborators.”
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