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Intimate health

By addressing topics of intimate health, our Medisur method aims to help you break tabooss in business. Our training courses are delivered by experts in intimate health to make your employees aware of the subjects of breast cancer, from colorectal cancer and Prostate cancer. Our exchange workshops allow us to open dialogue without taboo, while our boxes containing self-tests health and e-guides offer screening in complete privacy for everyone.

The conferences and webinars in intimate health

image carte_module octobre rose

Pink October
Webinar Conference

Understanding the importance of the breast cancer prevention, risk factors, screening methods and preventive measures

apprendre aux salariés le rôle de la nutrition préventif dans la prévention du cancer du sein

Pink October and preventive nutrition
Webinar Conference

Explore the role of the preventive nutrition in reducing the risk of breast cancer

e-formation interactive sur le cancer du sein pour en apprendre plus sur les gestes préventifs pour Octobre rose

E-Pink October

Follow an interactive e-training course, at your own pace, on prevention of breast cancer during Pink October

image carte module movember

Webinar Conference

Understanding the importance of prevention male cancers, screening methods and good practices to adopt

module movember et intimité

Movember and Privacy
Webinar Conference

Demystifying the false beliefs around male pathologies while raising awareness of the importance of screening

e-formation interactive sur les cancers de l'homme pour en apprendre plus sur les gestes préventifs pour Movember


Follow an interactive e-training course, at your own pace, on the prevention of male cancers (prostate and testicular) during Movember

module mixte octobre rose_movember or

2 in 1
Pink October and Movember
Webinar Conference

Raise awareness in an inclusive and mixed manner about prevention of breast and male cancers

e-formation interactive et mixte sur les cancers de l'homme et le cancer du sein pour en apprendre plus sur les gestes préventifs

Blended e-learning

Follow an interactive e-training course, at your own pace, on prevention of breast cancer and male cancers

module santé de la femme pour comprendre les enjeux de la santé féminine au travers du cycle hormonal

Women's Health
Webinar Conference

Understanding the issues of the women's health through the stages of the hormonal cycle

image carte module mars bleu

Blue Mars
Webinar Conference

Raising awareness among employees of the importance of colorectal cancer prevention

e-formation mars bleu

E-Mars blue

Follow an interactive e-training course, at your own pace, on prevention of colorectal cancerduring blue Mars

The workshops And stands in intimate health

atelier d'apprentissage à l'autopalpation pour apprendre les gestes préventifs liés au cancer du sein pour octobre rose en entreprise

Palpate yourself

Learn the gestures of self-palpation, and discuss with a healthcare professional

stand animation pour informer sur les bons gestes préventifs à l'occasion d'octobre rose en entreprise

Pink October

To provide a space for exchange and information accessible to all for raise awareness about breast cancer

atelier participatif movember au travail pour échanger sur les cancers masculins avec uen professionnel de santé


Gather, discuss, exchange around male pathologies. Without taboo !

stand animation pour informer sur les bons gestes préventifs à l'occasion de movember en entreprise


To provide a space for exchange and information accessible to all for raise awareness of male cancers

stand animation mixte

Mixed stand

To provide a space for exchange and information accessible to all for raise awareness of breast cancer and male cancers

The boxes intimate health

box santé octobre rose contenant un dispositif d'autopalpation et un autotest de vitamine D

October health box Rose and me
HEALTH BOX pink October

Preventing breast cancer with Pink October health box, learn self-examination techniques and test your vitamin D level

box santé movember et cholestérol

Movember and me health box
HEALTH BOX movember

Preventing prostate cancer with Movember Health Box, and test their PSA and blood cholesterol levels

box mars bleu

Mars Bleu and me health box
HEALTH BOX blue March

Prevent colorectal cancer with the Mars bleu health box, and carry out an early detection colorectal self-test at home

catalogue de services et d'actions santé globale, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Contact our experts

Are you interested in the modules making up the global health theme?