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Mental Health

Mental health, a key issue for companies and employees. Indeed, 88 % of them expect active investment from their employer regarding their mental well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO), recalls that psychological well-being is as important as physical health. Thus, engaging in this approach means establishing a real culture of well-being at work and, by providing a healthy working environment, obtain the commitment of its employees and improve the productivity of the company. 

The conferences and webinars in mental health

Prendre soin du bien-être psychologique grâce à l'écoute active

Kindness training in mental health

Train employees to active listening and guidance teams to the appropriate resources.
QUALIOPI certified

MODULE intervenant santé mentale - managers QUALIOPI

Mental health worker training

Allow managers to spot the signs of discomfort and to act effectively when faced with a distressed employee. QUALIOPI certified

Prévenir les risque psychosociaux (RPS) en milieu professionnel pour le bien-être psychologique des salariés

Prevention of psychosocial risks

Identify, act and prevent psychosocial risks, in order to promote a healthy and productive working environment

The workshops Mental Health

atelier participatif pour apprendre aux équipes à developper leurs compétences psychosociales (CPS) et améliorer le bien-être mental au travail

Mental well-being at work

Develop their psychosocial skills (PSS) in order to prevent psychosocial risks and promote mental well-being at work

atelier participatif pour apprendre à améliorer les interactions professionnelles entre les salariés

Cultivate serenity at work

Strengthening professional relationships through positive communication, active listening and mindfulness (mindfulness).

catalogue de services et d'actions santé, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Contact our experts

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