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Safety at work

Ensure the safety and health of your employees with the Medisur method. In accordance with Article L.4121-1 of the Labor Code, each employer has the obligation to protect the physical and mental health of its employees. Medisur supports you in this mission thanks to targeted training to prevent occupational risks: safety at work, addiction prevention, occupational road hazards, and much more.

Enrich your prevention actions with our participatory workshops, company screenings And individual health boxes for a comprehensive and engaging approach to health and security at work.

The modules safety at work

audit et recommandation
Audit and Recommendation


Support Management in implementing a prevention plan, by carrying out a audit and offer personalized recommendations

module formation drogues et alcool QUALIOPI
Drugs and alcohol training


Train managers to the management protocol for so-called hypersensitive positions, drugs and alcohol

image carte module sensibilisation collaborateurs_equipes
Drug and alcohol awareness


Raising awareness among employees addictive behavior and adopt preventive behavior
Team Mapping

module recyclage formation drogues et alcool managers
Drug and alcohol training recycling

Update and maintain managers' skills on psychoactive substances (PSS) thanks to the e-training on drug and alcohol recycling.

formation risques routiers professionnels QUALIOPI

Professional road risk training

Train teams in prevention of professional road risk to improve road safety

Formation Qualiopi pour comprendre l’impact des risques routiers professionnels sur la santé mentale pour renforcer la sécurité au travail.
Road risk and mental health

Understanding the impact of Occupational road risks on mental health to strengthen safety at work

module mobilité douce
Road prevention for soft mobility

Ensure the safety of users of Motorized Personal Transport Devices (MPDs) and soft mobility

The workshops safety at work

module atelier dépistage
Psychotropic screening

Screening of employees on the use of psychoactive substances

Module Jeu des subtsances
"Mission addictions" game
participatory workshop

Discover the effects and action times of psychoactive substances through play

Module quiz code
Quiz code

participatory workshop

Go back to the basics of Traffic Laws and its new regulations

atelier dose bar
Dose bar
Participatory workshop

Putting the principle of the dose bar to understand his drinking habits

module risques routiers professionnels (1)
Alcohol and drugs while driving
Participatory workshop

Discover the effects of consuming psychoactive substances

image carte produit 300x300px
Shared vigilance

To raise awareness among participants of the importance of shared vigilance to prevent occupational risks

Reaction Meter Simulator

Realize the importance of vigilance and speed management while driving

simulateur de choc
Shock simulator
participatory workshop

Raising awareness among employees about the dangers of the road with a frontal impact simulator at 10km/h

simulateur voiture tonneau
Barrel car simulator

Raising awareness among employees about the dangers of the road with a workshop real simulation of a car rollover

module éco-conduite

Adopt techniques eco-driving flexible and anticipatory with a monitor

sommeil et conduite routière
Sleep and
road driving

Understanding the impact of sleep on road driving and learn to manage your biological rhythm

The boxes And screening devices safety at work

box sante secrurité routière au travail
Road safety box

Health box containing a multi-drug self-test, a breathalyzer, an SOS memo and an interactive e-guide

multidrogues et alcool Easytest plus
Multi-drug and alcohol saliva self-test
screening device

4 classes of drugs and alcohol THC 15 and THC 50 ng/mL

multidrogues Biotest
Multi-drug saliva self-test
screening device

4 classes of drugs
THC 15 and THC 50 ng/mL

cannabis salivaire ontest plus
Cannabis saliva self-test
screening device

Detection of cannabis (Δ9-THC 15 ng/mL)

ethylotest sans ballon
Breathalyzer without balloon
screening device

Detection of alcohol levels in the body

catalogue de services et d'actions santé, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Contact our experts

Are you interested in the modules making up the global health theme?