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Workshop Atypical hours

Identify the challenges of atypical schedules and adopt effective strategies to maintain health and optimize performance at work.

Participatory workshop on Atypical hours and productivity

Atypical hours concern nearly 45 % workers in France (Dares), or more than 10 million active people every month. Working in the evening, at night or on weekends directly impacts health, well-being and performance at work: fatigue, sleep disorders, stress… The risks are numerous, but solutions exist!

Our “Atypical Hours” workshop helps teams better manage these constraints and adopt effective prevention strategies to preserve their health and optimize their professional efficiency on a daily basis.

Detailed content of the workshop

  • The role of sleep and its impact on metabolism: Identify the influence of sleep on the proper functioning of the body
  • Sleep cycles and the specificities of shifted schedules
  • Understanding the body's internal clock and its role in regulating vital functions
  • Focus on the influence of blue light from screens and its role in the deregulation of the sleep-wake cycle.
  • Preventive solutions


Practical information

Format and Duration

In person
Duration 30 to 45 min.
Group of 15 to 20 people


For all


Table, flipchart


The solutions of Medisur for health and well-being

Don't stop there, complete your health action with your teams with a conference or webinar to understand the link between sleep and productivity and a program of mental health awareness

Module mieux dormir pour mieux travailler

Sleep better to work better

Sleep better to work better by discovering the link between the sleep, health and productivity

Module bien dans son assiette

Good on his plate

Understanding the importance of diet and physical activity in maintaining good health

illustration d'un employé qui prend soin de sa santé mentale lors d'un webinaire en entreprise

Awareness program
Mental Health

Raise awareness and support teams in the understanding and prevention of mental health at work

image carte module hygiène de vie et alimentation équilibrée

Lifestyle & food

Conjugate Healthy eating and active living to promote well-being and performance

catalogue de services et d'actions santé globale, bien-être et sécurité de medisur en entreprise

Do you want to take action for the health, quality of life (QVT) and safety of your teams and boost the performance of your organization? Download our catalog of health actions. 

A unique experience

The method Medisur

A concrete process combining awareness, implementation with the Health Box by Medisur and dialogue with health experts.

Customer testimonials
Their teams we love you
logo happydemics
Happydemics — “A very accessible, available and caring. The format is very convenient to get informed, then discuss in small groups and ask questions.”
Practical workshop Pink October
logo pernod ricard france_couleur
Pernod Ricard France — “Returns very positive. This sparked a strong interest employees. Many have come looking for health boxes after the conference”
Conference My skin and the sun
logo atomic digital design
Atomic Digital Design — “Workshop very useful since the women themselves asked to be palpated and guided in the self-examination[...]”
Pink October Participatory Workshop
logo groupe legendre
Legendre Group - "Very satisfied ! A speaker professional who knew how to answer all the questions of the public concerning the male pathologies [...]”
Movember Participatory Workshop
logo santé provence travail
Provence Health Work — “Device absolutely tremendous it reinforces the sensation on palpation.[...] I encourage doctors to use it, it will facilitate their examination. And women to practice self-examination with."
Self-examination pad
logo experf
Expert - "It is playful [...] We can touch, we can understand. Much more interesting than mere words. Companies should offer prevention campaigns and this device to their collaborators.”
Pink October conference and boxes
Contact our experts

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