Multi-drug and alcohol saliva test
The saliva test is a quick and convenient tool designed to detect the simultaneous presence of drugs and alcohol in saliva. This test is suitable for various situations, including roadside screening, in companies, or in medical settings.
Substances detected :
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines
- Opiates
- Alcohol
Features :
- Result in 1 minute
- THC15 detection threshold compliant with law enforcement (police and gendarmerie)
- Reliability at 97.8%
- Complies with the Council of State (CE n°394178 of 05/12/16)
Versions and detection thresholds:
The test is available in two versions, offering detection thresholds adapted to specific needs:
Version 1:
- Cannabis: 50 ng/mL
- Cocaine: 20 ng/mL
- Amphetamines: 50 ng/mL
- Opiates: 40 ng/mL
- Alcohol: Detects various blood alcohol levels
Version 2:
- Cannabis: 15 ng/mL
- Cocaine: 10 ng/mL
- Amphetamines: 50 ng/mL
- Opiates: 10 ng/mL
- Alcohol: Detects various blood alcohol levels
Versions and detection thresholds:
The test is available in two versions, offering detection thresholds adapted to specific needs:
Guaranteed compliance:
- Certified compliant with the Council of State (CE N°394178 of 05/12/16) and the decree of 13/12/16 establishing the procedures for screening substances.
- Complete confidentiality: no visible match of the drugs tested.
Download the instructions
To download the instructions, please click on the link corresponding to the desired version: